Recovery Resources
Empower your recovery journey with our free downloadable recovery tools developed to facilitate new and lasting recovery.

Downloadable resources

[isiZulu]PEx Step 12

[isiZulu]PEx Step 11

[isiZulu]PEx Step 10

[isiZulu]PEx Step 9

[isiZulu]PEx Step 8

[isiZulu]PEx Step 7

[isiZulu]PEx Step 6

[isiZulu]PEx Step 5

[isiZulu]PEx Step 4

[isiZulu]PEx Step 3

[isiZulu]PEx Step 2

[isiZulu]PEx Step 1

Vantage Orientation Workbook
Take the first step toward lasting change and find support for pornography addiction recovery.

Life Story Guidelines
A journey of reflection, healing, and growth

[isiZulu]Addiction Life Recovery Plan Guidelines
Build a strong foundation for your recovery. Create your Life Recovery Plan today

PEx Step 12
Giving back

PEx Step 11
Spiritual enrichment

PEx Step 10
Moral Inventory

PEx Step 9
Making Amends

PEx Step 8
Preparing For Amends

PEx Step 7
Humbly Seeking Removal of Shortcomings

PEx Step 6
Embrace Change

PEx Step 5
Share Your Stuff

PEx Step 4
Take Responsibility

Supporter Life Recovery Plan Template
Build a strong foundation for your recovery. Create your Life Recovery Plan today using this template.

Supporter Life Recovery Plan Guidelines
A Life Recovery Plan developed specifically for supporters!

Addiction Life Recovery Plan Template
Build a strong foundation for your recovery. Create your Life Recovery Plan today using this template.

PEx Step 3
Surrender to Win

PEx Step 2
Developing Faith

PEx Step 1
Seeing the Light
Emotions Wheel
The purpose of an emotions wheel is to help individuals better identify and articulate their emotions.

Addiction Life Recovery Plan Guidelines
Build a strong foundation for your recovery. Create your Life Recovery Plan today.

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